Some rude commenter who may or may not be related to me and such relation may or may not be through choice rather than blood, requested more European vacation pictures. A nicer commenter (Hi Cindy!) also wanted more Europe pictures. So I sorted through some of the thousands (I am serious. Thousands.) of pictures to bring you highlights of Amsterdam. Part 1. Or is it Part 2?
I told you there were a lot of bikes. Look at all of those bikes. It even made me want to ride bike. Until I saw how fast the cars zip by them and how the bikers have to make sharp turns. Scary bike riding for sure.
I want to live in these expensive houses by the canal. They are millions of dollars or something ridiculous.
I wanted to eat at this castle like place. I had no idea what they served. I still don't.
I just love the feel and symmetry of this street. And the colors.
I love these buildings.
I love the trees lining the street. And more bikes.
And what does the Red Light District look like in the daytime? Pretty much like this:
Like all of the other streets but with women in windows...
...and all of those people, mostly tourists, making their way in and out of the district...
...and the Live Sex Show signs...
...and the window full of weird pornographic knickknacks and, um, toys...
...and the Triple X rated sewer drain...
Ah, Amsterdam. I love thee.
You know who really loves Amsterdam? B. He wants to move there. Like tomorrow. But we have a house (well two...grr), and five animals, and jobs. You know, the little things. Also? We don't speak Dutch. Details.
However, should we win the lotto, I think we will be moving to Amsterdam, with Paris as a second home if I have any input.
You know how they say there is nothing like Paris in springtime? "They" are correct.
More on that later.