Sunday, August 30, 2009

Feels Like Fall So Let's Think Spring

With the weather quickly approaching fall in these parts (high 60's? I love you), I wanted to look back at bright flower pictures and realized there are still so many I haven't shared with you, so for your Sunday viewing pleasure:

These must have lasted the longest because I have the most pictures of them:

The roses are almost gone now, but here they are just beginning:

A baby bud:

Flowers peeking out from our neighbor's fence. And that cup? That is the one I kept asking B about here.

Even though I love fall, I will miss all of the color spring and summer provided us. Unless B has something up his sleeve for fall?

Stay tuned.*

*P.S. I still have many left over. That gets you through June. JUNE! It is August. I suck.

6 important things being said:

Jennifer said...

I love the red flower! I am so jealous of all your beautiful flowers. And trees. All we have is flowers we planted ourselves and little baby trees.

j'lynn said...

So pretty!

You don't suck...I still have pics from May that I should post and I have no idea when that will happen. LOL!!

Andhari said...

Such pretty flowers :) I like it that it's fall soon, ohhh the cooler weather and amazing fall we don't have winter and fall means rain and 70ish degrees though lol

Katelin said...

aw your flowers are so pretty! i wish i had a garden.

mandatorybloghere said...

aww your flowers are wonderful, i actually tried to plant some this year and promptly forgot about them oh i dont know two weeks later. kind of like all my ex's lol

*~Dani~* said...

Jenny - the red flower was gorgeous! I love all of our big huge trees, although we only have one, there are tons all around us.

jlynn - at least I am not alone ;)

Andhari - I like fall too. Sweaters and blankets are awesome. 70s is still a bit warm for fall here.

Katelin - you will have a garden some day, I know it!

mandy - ha~ that is exactly what would happen to me. Luckily, B is on the case!

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