As I did for the Golden Globes, I decided that once again I would join my fellow twitterers and tweet the Oscars live. That is until I got locked out. Angry would be putting it mildly. Enjoy the highlights of my observations on Oscar night!
Right off the start, a quote from an Oscar nominee:
"if you have a mind and a brain?" Aren't those the same thing?
6:59 PM Feb 22nd from web
The weird football like play of fashion, complete with drawings on screen:
The football like drawings on her legs is kind of creepy
7:00 PM Feb 22nd from web
Is that woman in the background with the sparkly dress GLARING at this woman? Girl I don't see you being nominated for an Oscar
7:01 PM Feb 22nd from web
not preparing a speech is now considered "organic"?
7:02 PM Feb 22nd from web
well that is kind of rude "I heard you wanted this REALLY badly. How badly did you want it?" Way to make him sound desperate Ryan
7:03 PM Feb 22nd from web
Ryan will provide me with plenty of fodder I can see
7:03 PM Feb 22nd from web
Yes, Ryan - Leo and Kate only exist in the movie Titanic. Good lord
7:04 PM Feb 22nd from web
maybe we can get another creepy shot of Heidi's leg
7:04 PM Feb 22nd from web
I really like Heidi's hair even though it doesn't look like she did anything to it
7:05 PM Feb 22nd from web
"Red from the live carpet right here...." good job Ryan
7:10 PM Feb 22nd from web
I think he is saying that even though SJP could do no wrong, she did some wrong. Well you are wrong
7:11 PM Feb 22nd from web
Mickey Rourke tries to distract us from his face by his hair and outfits. Um, not working
7:11 PM Feb 22nd from web
SJP look like a princess
7:11 PM Feb 22nd from web
now THAT is a statement necklace Amy Adams. Love it
7:12 PM Feb 22nd from web
"freeze that right there" - it is LIVE. oh boy
7:12 PM Feb 22nd from web
RDJ will not win for Tropic Thunder. And he was good. You cannot beat a ghost RDJ. Even if you are RDJ
7:14 PM Feb 22nd from web
WTF? How pure is Amy Adams? Ryan is an asshole with these questions
7:14 PM Feb 22nd from web
This isn't charades Ryan. Learn to ask a question and not put them on the spot. Amy Adams has done more than 2 movies
7:15 PM Feb 22nd from web
RPatts hair is just wrong. It is in the in between stage and is just wrong
7:16 PM Feb 22nd from web
Okay Matthew Broderick's hair is WAY crazier than Rpatts. What happened to this man?
7:18 PM Feb 22nd from web
Ryan wishes Seth was fighting his way toward him
7:19 PM Feb 22nd from web
apparently there is absolutely nothing else to discuss with Seth Rogan other than his weight loss? Movies anyone?
7:20 PM Feb 22nd from web
way to know about the stars you are interviewing Ryan. Marisa has had 3 nominations and 1 win. Not just My cousin Vinnie
7:26 PM Feb 22nd from web
Ryan is a star stalker. Really.
7:27 PM Feb 22nd from web
that was an awkward shake your hand, do a gang sign, college frat boy maneuver with Mickey Rourke
7:28 PM Feb 22nd from web
how is it ironic to have your dog die when you are nominated for an award? Explain
7:28 PM Feb 22nd from web
I love Diane Lane. So gorgeous But I always think of her on the staircase in that movie Unfaithful
7:30 PM Feb 22nd from web
For once I think Jessica Biel looks hot. Okay, maybe twice
7:32 PM Feb 22nd from web
I wish Ron Howard had more hair. He still has such a baby face. Adorable
7:33 PM Feb 22nd from web
Run Marion! Ryan might be a stalker
7:34 PM Feb 22nd from web
I would have never recognized Peter Gabriel. I still love his songs though
7:35 PM Feb 22nd from web
Ryan is lucky she is wearing a perfume. Otherwise he would just be creepy. Oh wait! He still is
7:36 PM Feb 22nd from web
I wonder if Evan Rachel Wood is going to avoid Mickey lest the rumours of their wicked affair reignite
7:37 PM Feb 22nd from web
Please stop screaming. Please - it is just Brad and Angie. They DON'T KNOW YOU!
7:38 PM Feb 22nd from web
Ryan "tell me about your movie" which really means, I will interrupt you one second after you begin to talk
7:43 PM Feb 22nd from web
What the heck is up with that hat Philip Seymour Hoffman? You look more than ridiculous!
7:43 PM Feb 22nd from web
Marion thinks Ryan is an idiot. You are not alone Marion.
7:44 PM Feb 22nd from web
quick poll - will Brad and Angelina 1 avoid Ryan, 2 be rude to Ryan, or be 3 be nice to Ryan. Hard to decide [Note: #3 for Brad and #1 for Angie]
7:45 PM Feb 22nd from web
who was Angelina leading around just now? Certainly wasn't Brad for once
7:48 PM
stop with predictions. I want more dresses!
7:54 PM Feb 22nd from web
What was that? Did Brad blow Ryan off and why was it not aired?
7:58 PM Feb 22nd from web
RDJ cannot stand Ryan, can you tell?
7:59 PM Feb 22nd from web
maybe ABC will do better with the red carpet. Hi HDTV I love you
8:01 PM Feb 22nd from web
I cannot imagine calling Anthony Hopkins "tony" it doesn't seem to fit
8:05 PM Feb 22nd from web
no brush off by Brad and Angelina on this channel. What does that tell you Ryan?
8:06 PM
I didn't understand a word Valentino just said. I may have been sleeping
8:10 PM Feb 22nd from web
Mickey just spit on his own lip. Kind of gross. Story about Loki? endearing
8:12 PM Feb 22nd from web
Zac - slicked back hair. NOT GOOD. You look greasier than Mickey Rourke. Really.
8:13 PM Feb 22nd from web
Miley has quite the deep voice. Opposite of her dress
8:15 PM Feb 22nd from web
Sometimes Anne Hathaway is pretty, other times not so much. It is always puzzling to me
8:16 PM Feb 22nd from web
I bet those briefcases are empty. Like half of the people I work with
8:20 PM Feb 22nd from web
oh no. I do not like the bottom of Marisa's gown. No to pleats - just say NO!
8:24 PM Feb 22nd from web
James Franco didn't look so happy giving that standing ovation
8:38 PM Feb 22nd from web
yes Mickey looks great. not at all creepy and disturbing
8:40 PM Feb 22nd from web
perhaps open the curtains BEFORE the montage begins?
8:41 PM Feb 22nd from web
I like these five past winners announcing nominees
8:44 PM Feb 22nd from web
I get the feeling that if it is not about RDJ, RDJ is bored
8:45 PM Feb 22nd from web
Goldie - your boobs need to be controlled. Really. You are not your daughter's age!
8:46 PM Feb 22nd from web
I have no idea who will win best supporting actress
8:47 PM Feb 22nd from web
WHAT? that does not seem right. Not right Penelope
8:47 PM Feb 22nd from web
8:50 p.m. THE moment we have been waiting for Jen Aniston. Will she give angelina the stink eye?
8:51 p.m. they don't even have pretty girls handing out Oscars. Is that part of the recession?
8:59 p.m. slam against Scientology. Score
9:00 - got locked out of Twitter for updating too much WTF? Since when? It was the Scientologists I know it. they are behind everything and I happened to mention them in one of my tweets.
9:05 how will the world survive without my tweets? I am pissed and told B who laughed at me for 10 minutes straight
9:18 watching the Oscars and seeing others twitter about it makes me sad. So does the boring acceptance speech for Curious Case of Benjamin Button
9:19 so was Hugh Jackman just there for the beginning or what? I haven't seen him since he stopped dancing. Do you think he is somewhere recovering?
9:20 - the Duchess? I wasn't even aware any part of this movie was in the running for anything
9:21 And then it wins for best costume design. I guess all of my predictions were off
9:22 I fell asleep. Acceptance speeches bore me. Where is Jennifer Aniston/Jack Black when you need them? Or Tina Fey/Steve Martin? Anyone?
9:23 That dress makes SJP boobs look huge. I am obsessed with boobs. It is a problem.
9:24 Awww Heath :(
9:24 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button wins for makeup. As it should be. Fantastic job. Never saw the movie but the pics were fantastic.
9:25 By my calculations, I cannot tweet again until 10 pm or after. Still pissed about that
9:25 God Amanda Seyfried has gorgeous hair. RPatts not so much .But he works it.
9:28 Thank God for commercials. I have to pee
9:31 - oh hi Hugh Jackman, where have you been hiding for the past hour or so?
9:31 Ben Stiller - love the Joaquin impersonation. Is Joaquin in the house?
9:35 - dude you are about to give an acceptance speech. Brushing your hair and not curling it oddly to the sides would have been a good idea. You look like you have wings. WINGS
9:38 B's love just came on - Jessica Biel. I repeat, she looks good tonight.
9:40 vented to B about my lack of Twitter (still!) and Penelope winning best supporting actress "boobs always win, especially if they speak spanish." I have no idea what that means.
9:43 how long can the Franco/Rogan high train last before we all get sick of it? Oh, 6 months ago. That's right
9:45 I hope they don't parody their parody. That would be tragic. And not funny.
9:46 i think the only thing Seth knows how to say is "Judd Apatow" I have heard him say it at least three times tonight. He knows where his bread is buttered.
9:47 you would think that someone that goes to college ahem *James Franco* ahem would not intentionally mispronounce the name of a foreign film. Think again.
9:48 black bowtie on black shirt on black suit. Monochromatic to the extreme.
9:53 Another song and dance number with Hugh Jackman. I don't know if I can take it.
9:54 Now it involves Beyonce. It is official - I CANNOT TAKE IT. MAKE IT STOP.
9:55 Wait the Grease song is involved. Just like that, I am back in. Love you Beyonce.
9:55 Twitter lets me back in. Now I just want to ignore it. Bitter much?
9:56 now those High School Musical kids? I am back out. MAKE IT STOP
9:57 wait! Girl from Big Love. Back in
10:00 still mad at Twitter and not tweeting GRRR
10:03 wow that first guy is really short (presenting best supporting actor). And I dont think I know any of these actors. That is sad.
10:05 Okay, I know Cuba Gooding, Jr. Speaking of stroke of genius - having him cover RDJ's Tropical Thunder nomination
10:06 Okay, I know Christopher Walken too. And this guy speaking but not his name. Two out of five isnt that bad
10:08 Of course Heath won. as he should.
10:10 Heath's sister almost made me cry. So moving.
10:16 why is that guy that bolted to the stage wearing that crazy scarf?
10:22 Tom Cruise does commercials now. Is that what it has come to?
10:28 I am totally bored.
and that was the end of my twittering/blogging and watching the Oscars. I did not see Best Actress, Best Actor, or even Best Movie. Doesn't matter. I predicted correctly - Kate Winslet, Sean Penn, Slumdog Millionaire.
Now where's my prize?