Monday, February 02, 2009

I'm Back and I LOVE the Super Bowl

Not having the internet? Enough to drive someone insane I tell you.  But it doesn't matter because now we are up and running.  We moved all of our stuff Thursday (and Friday, and Saturday, but more on that later) and with it went our cable.  Between trying to move stuff in, cleaning and getting to work, my blogging time got hacked.  So sad.  Hopefully, there will be no more outages and regular posts will resume tomorrow.  That is, if I can find my camera cord. What a mess!

Meanwhile, you may already know this, but yesterday was the Super Bowl.  In times past I thought the Super Bowl was awesome because I:

1. Had a giant party (although technically it was the week AFTER the Super Bowl - but we are girls, what did we know?)
2. Went to giant parties
3. Went to the bar to drink
4. Watched it while eating chicken with my folks and got some boobage (thanks Janet!)
5. Watched it for the awesome commercials

Now? Not so much. Honestly I did not think the commercials yesterday were even up to par.  So with the move, my lackluster feelings and my general nonchalance of sports in general, it should come as no surprise that I entered the office Super Bowl squares.  And at the time I got my two squares, I didn't even know who was playing despite the fact on one side was my friend's good college friend actually playing and, on the other side, was my other friend's most favorite team in the world.   Still, last night I went in clueless.  And this is what I witnessed:

~This office setup in the new house is currently crazy as I am practically sitting on top of my TV. I am sure to go blind now.
~Jennifer Hudson looked nervous and very sad, but did a wonderful job singing. Now I hear she lip-synched. Still a good performance.
~Football looks great in HD even if you aren't really watching it.
~I have no idea who scored what when or how
~Bruce Springsteen was a natural half time performer and why didn't they think of the king of American rock before this day? Instead we get boobage (thanks Janet!)
~The commercials sucked.
~Around the third quarter I noticed the score of 20 - 7 and thought for some reason those numbers sounded familiar.
~Then I watched Big Love (can't miss Big Love!)
~Turned Super Bowl back on as B and I were trying to wrangle a big stuffed chair into the office for me to watch TV (two hours after I had been watching it) instead of the uncomfortable desk chair
~B told me the Steelers won

I remarked how I may have won the football squares, which B "highly doubted."  I then lamented not copying the squares.

Today I woke up, ate some breakfast and decided to clean out my purse since I had been carrying almost everything I owned in it during the move.  What did I find? The squares. I see that one of my squares is 7 and 0 and think "those numbers sound familiar."

Yep, I won.  Without trying, without effort, without thought, and apparently without knowing. Kind of burned people up at the office when they found out.

I love the Super Bowl.

6 important things being said:

Jennifer said...

You are awesome! And newly rich!

I never do anything fun for the Superbowl. Maybe next year we will have a party! Doubt it though.

*~Dani~* said...

I like when I am awesome with no effort. You should have a party next year! I will come, especially if a ball pit is involved!

Ruth said...

Congrats on your Super Bowl win! No one I know ever wins on those square betting things.

Jennifer said...

I cannot afford to fill the basement with ball pit balls. I can't even imagine what that would cost!!!! I would let you play in Lucas' ball pit though.

Matt said...

It figures you won. It always goes like that!!!

The real sports fans never win!!!!!!

obviously, I didnt win.

*~Dani~* said...

Mom - thanks! I love winning and I have never won squares.

Jenny - you need to play squares, then you could afford balls.

Matt - Sorry you didn't win. That is what B said too.

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